A Movement for Change
“Concerned Letter Carriers (CLC) is a non-profit organization striving to establish and maintain strong, capable and dedicated leaders within the NALC.  Our goal is to encourage and support leadership where integrity and total commitment to the membership is the number one priority”.

The Concerned Letter Carriers movement was born out of the gross leadership failures of NALC President Brian Renfroe starting in early 2023, shortly after he was installed. Members of the CLC came forward with Article 10 charges filed against NALC President Brian Renfroe. The results of the official NALC investigation of the charges revealed numerous irregularities involving Brian Renfroe, which were concealed from the membership by staff and Executive Council members. During the subsequent 12 days of hearings over three months, it became obvious that the NALC was in need of aggregate leadership change and reform nationwide. 

In March of 2024, we presented ourselves to more than 40 NALC Branch Presidents and activists at the Committee of Presidents meeting in Jacksonville, FL. Since that time, our movement has grown with thousands of supporters from coast to coast.  

The CLC looks to build an infrastructure for the 2026 NALC National Elections, supporting leaders who align with a vision of integrity and commitment to the membership. We are advocating for reform – promoting transparency, accountability, and focus on improving working conditions and member benefits. We represent a movement seeking a fresh start and renewed focus on representing the interests of letter carriers nationwide.

The Marine Corps defines Leadership as, "The sum of those qualities of intellect, human understanding, and moral character that allows a person to inspire a group of Marines". Those who know me will tell you that the leadership principles acquired in the Marine Corps have been the guiding principles I have applied throughout my 36 years as a Union advocate and leader. I have trained and practiced being technically, tactically proficient and seek self-improvement on an ongoing basis. I'm committed to looking out for the welfare of Letter Carriers and keeping them informed. Foremost I am committed to setting an example as Letter Carriers instinctively look to their President as a barometer of the Union's standing. There is a lot of work to do to repair the damage done to the NALC's reputation, and mend damaged relationships caused by the fallout from the current administration's leadership failure. As a Letter Carrier I know what it is like to sit out on unjust charges. As a Steward I recognize the challenges and frustration of a broken dispute resolution process. As a Full-time Officer from a large diverse Branch, I understand the daily battles for defending City Letter Carriers. I know these things because I still have a well-worn set of blues in the closet at home...l will not forget where I came from.


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