Donations can be sent via Zelle to: 619-366-4842
Checks or money orders can be made out to Concerned Letter Carriers and sent to:
Concerned Letter Carriers
C/O Ricardo Guzman
PO Box 262279
San Diego, California 92196


The Concerned Letter Carriers movement was born out of the gross leadership failures of NALC President Brian Renfroe starting in early 2023, shortly after he was installed. Members of the CLC came forward with Article 10 charges filed against NALC President Brian Renfroe. The results of the official NALC investigation of the charges revealed numerous irregularities involving Brian Renfroe, which were concealed from the membership by staff and Executive Council members. During the subsequent 12 days of hearings over three months, it became obvious that the NALC was in need of aggregate leadership change and reform nationwide.
In March of 2024, we presented ourselves to more than 40 NALC Branch Presidents and activists at the Committee of Presidents meeting in Jacksonville, FL. Since that time, our movement has grown with thousands of supporters from coast to coast.
The CLC looks to build an infrastructure for the 2026 NALC National Elections, supporting leaders who align with a vision of integrity and commitment to the membership. We are advocating for reform – promoting transparency, accountability, and focus on improving working conditions and member benefits. We represent a movement seeking a fresh start and renewed focus on representing the interests of letter carriers nationwide.
NALC PRESIDENT: James D. Henry, Branch 1100 Garden Grove, CA.
NALC VICE PRESIDENT: Kimetra Simpson-Lewis, Branch 132, Dallas, TX.
NALC DIRECTOR OF CITY DELIVERY: Corey Walton, Branch 4, Nashville, TN.
NALC REGION 6 NBA: Walter McGregory, Branch 2184, Southeast Michigan, MI.
NALC REGION 12 NBA: William Kriebel, Branch 254, Bethlehem, PA.
NALC REGION 15 NBA: Richard “Richie” Ray, Branch 41, Brooklyn / Staten Island, N.Y.
NALC TRUSTEE: John A. Cruz, Branch 41, Brooklyn / Staten Island, N.Y.
NALC TRUSTEE: David Grosskopf Jr., Branch 3, Buffalo, N.Y.
NALC TRUSTEE: Howard Komine, Branch 860, Honolulu, HI.
NATIONAL AFL-CIO DELEGATE: Ethel Bibbs, Branch 842, Beaumont, TX.
NATIONAL AFL-CIO DELEGATE: Danna Chambless, Branch 4, Nashville, TN.
NATIONAL AFL-CIO DELEGATE: Anita Guzik, Branch 24, Los Angeles, CA.
NATIONAL AFL-CIO DELEGATE: Rob Kosier, Branch 2, Milwaukee, WI.
CLC Chairman: Ricardo Guzman, Branch 70, San Diego, CA.
CLC Vice Chairman: David Grosskopf Jr., Branch 3, Buffalo, N.Y.
CLC Secretary-Treasurer, Raquel “Rocky” Acasio, Branch 70, San Diego, CA.
CLC TRUSTEE: John A Cruz, Branch 41, Brooklyn / Staten Island, N.Y.
CLC TRUSTEE: Jason “JB” Leath, Branch 4, Nashville, TN.
CLC TRUSTEE: Kimetra Simpson-Lewis, Branch 132, Dallas, TX.
CLC Director of Social Media:
Chris Reed, Branch 5516, Kailua-Kona, HI.
Assistant Jeff Lee, Branch 1100, Garden Grove, CA.
Assistant Mena Aziz, Branch 41, Brooklyn / Staten Island, Brooklyn N.Y.
CLC Director of Fund Raising:
Howard Komine, Branch 860, Honolulu, HI.
CLC Director of Education:
Corey Walton, Branch 4, Nashville, TN.
Assistant Jason “JB” Leath, Branch 4, Nashville, TN.
CLC Director of Organization:
Charles Miller, Branch 1100, Garden Grove, CA.
TWO COPYCAT SOCIAL MEDIA SITES: A lone candidate has created deceptive social media sites using the CLC name. is our genuine CLC website, NOT the hi-jacked site using our same name at .org. Also ConcernedLetterCarriers2026 is our genuine You Tube Site. Official complaints to the appropriate authorities have been filed.
The following Endorsements are sorted by States alphabetically, then by Branch Numbers in each state numerically. Apologies to my supporters who are not on this endorsement list due to our submission timeframe. Please let CLC know if you want your name added for endorsement publication on this website. Thanks & appreciation to all supporters.
Carmen Penny, President Branch 106, Montgomery, AL.
Michael Shewbart, Past President Branch 462, Huntsville, AL.
Johnny Watson, President Branch 469, Mobile AL.
Carman Montgomery, State VP & Vice President Branch 469, Mobile AL.
Antonia Shields, State President & Branch 530 President, COP Co-Chair, Birmingham, AL.
Erin Chapman, Branch 530, Birmingham, AL.
Lamar Dowkings, Branch 530, Birmingham, AL.
Pete Moss, Retired Region 8 RAA & NBA, Past President of Gulf Coast Merged Branch 892 Florence, AL.
Daniel Clark, Shop Steward Branch 1314, Decatur, AL.
Jamey Miller, Branch 1314, Decatur, AL.
Jamie Suzy Miller, President Branch 6194, Moulton, AL.
Anthony Davidson, Secretary Branch 543, Hot Springs, AK.
Melissa McClard, Branch 543, Hot Springs, AR.
Michael Carnahan, Branch 704, Tucson, AZ.
Dimas Gonzalez, Branch 704, Tucson, AZ.
Alexis Padilla, Vice President & Formal Step A, Branch 704, Tucson, AZ.
William Staudenmaier Jr., Shop Steward Branch 859, Prescott, AZ.
Ryan Taylor, Trustee, Shop Steward, Formal A Organizing & District Safety Branch 1902, Mesa, AZ.
Adam Delatrinidad, Branch 1902, Mesa, AZ.
Bertin Johnson, Branch 1902, Mesa, AZ.
Jon Weber, Branch 1902, Mesa, AZ.
Elizabeth Cuevas, Branch 6156, Sun City, AZ.
Steve Abasta, Past Executive Vice President Angel City Branch 24, Los Angeles, CA.
Marcos Garcia, Vice President Angel City Branch 24, Los Angeles, CA.
Anita Guzik, National AFL-CIO Delegate, Trustee & Field Representative Branch 24, Los Angeles, CA.
Janeen Shoemake, Angel City Branch 24, Los Angeles, CA.
Alejandro Nuñez, Br. Officer & Shop Steward Angel City Branch 24, Los Angeles, CA.
Tony Jones, Sgt-At-Arms & Shop Steward Angel City Branch 24, Los Angeles, CA.
Matt Kozlo, Shop Steward & Board of Audit Officer Angel City Branch 24, Los Angeles, CA.
Maria Tarango, Health Benefits Representative Angel City Branch 24, Los Angeles, CA.
Chris Padilla, Field Representative & Formal A Designee Angel City Branch 24, Los Angeles, CA.
Gary Ng, Shop Steward Angel City Branch 24, Los Angeles, CA.
Marina Munoz, Shop Steward Angel City Branch 24, Los Angeles, CA.
Lydia Esparza, Shop Steward Angel City Branch 24, Los Angeles, CA.
Antonio Mazuca, Shop Steward Angel City Branch 24, Los Angeles, CA.
Elizabeth “Liz” Carvala, Shop Steward Angel City Branch 24, Los Angeles, CA.
Edmond Devore, Shop Steward Angel City Branch 24, Los Angeles, CA.
Ronald Norris, Former Shop Steward, Angel City Branch 24, Los Angeles, CA.
Linda Alvarado, Angel City Branch 24, Los Angeles, CA.
Joseph Madgar, Angel City Branch 24, Los Angeles, CA.
Alejandro Betancourt Caballero, Angel City Branch 24, Los Angeles, CA.
Kimberly Millet, Angel City Branch 24, Los Angeles, CA.
Fernando Nuevo, Angel City Branch 24, Los Angeles, CA.
Ricardo Guzman, President Branch 70, San Diego, CA.
George J. Elias, Executive Vice President Branch 70, San Diego, CA.
Raquel “Rocky” Acasio, Secretary-Treasurer Branch 70, San Diego, CA.
Charles Lewis, Vice President Branch 70, San Diego, CA.
Antonio Burnell, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, Branch 70 San Diego, CA.
Javier Jauregui, Trustee & Shop Steward Branch 70, San Diego, CA.
Onefre Alvarado, Trustee Branch 70, San Diego, CA.
Michael Nalus, Trustee Branch 70, San Diego, CA.
Jessica Medina, Sgt-At-Arms Branch 70, San Diego, CA.
Daniel Galvan, Shop Steward Branch 70, San Diego, CA.
Michael Raymond, Shop Steward Branch 70, San Diego, CA.
Ronald Maggard, Branch 70, San Diego, CA.
John McPherson, President Branch 133, Sacramento, CA.
Michael Shubert, Shop Steward, Branch 133, Sacramento, CA.
Kristen Byrne, Branch 133, Sacramento, CA.
Cory Samprucci, Branch 133, Sacramento, CA.
Christina Touvell, Branch 133, Sacramento, CA.
Chad Lamb, President Branch 183, Santa Rosa, CA.
Jerry Anderson, Past President Branch 183, Santa Rosa, CA.
Shawn Galbreath, Sgt-At-Arms Branch 183, Santa Rosa, CA.
Cory Peltz, Branch 183, Santa Rosa, CA.
Ernie Arranaga, President, Tony Cortese Branch 193, San Jose, CA.
Tommy Rivera, Executive Vice President, Tony Cortese Branch 193, San Jose, CA.
Sherie Davis, Vice President, Tony Cortese Branch 193, San Jose, CA.
Rachel Garnsey, Shop Steward & OWCP Representative, Tony Cortese Branch 193, San Jose, CA.
Theresa Corridan, Past Vice President, Tony Cortese Branch 193, San Jose, CA.
Guillermo Martinez, Sgt-At-Arms, Tony Cortese Branch 193, San Jose, CA.
Frank Pieracci, Trustee, Tony Cortese Branch 193, San Jose, CA.
Leticia Canchola, Shop Steward, Tony Cortese Branch 193, San Jose, CA.
Barbara Estrada, Tony Cortese Branch 193, San Jose, CA.
Greg Fuson, President Branch 213, Stockton, CA.
James Giese, Executive Vice President Branch 213, Stockton, CA.
Ruben Figueroa, Secretary Branch 213, Stockton, CA.
Anthony Talamantes, Branch 213, Stockton, CA.
Karen Eshabarr, President Branch 214, San Francisco, CA.
Joseph Melendez, Vice President Branch 214, San Francisco, CA.
Richard Najera, President Branch 231, Fresno, CA.
Anica Medina, Trustee Branch 231, Fresno, CA.
Eric Ellis, Shop Steward, Legislative Officer, Academy Instructor, Branch 231, Fresno, CA.
Michael Johnson, Shop Steward Branch 231, Fresno, CA.
Gabriel Buentello, Branch 231, Fresno, CA.
Gilberto Ramirez, President Branch 290, Santa Barbara, CA.
Matthew Cotter, Branch 290, Santa Barbara, CA.
Jeremiah “Jake” Dickson, President Branch 348, Eureka, CA.
John Hufancia, Vice President Branch 348, Eureka, CA.
Curtis Weekly, Health Benefit Coordinator Branch 348, Eureka, CA..
Carl Catalano, Shop Steward Branch 348, Eureka, CA.
Anthony Pallante, President Branch 411, San Bernadino, CA.
Jerry Ryan, Past President & State Director of Education, Branch 411, San Bernadino, CA.
Christopher Farris, Area Shop Steward Branch 411, San Bernadino, CA.
Kimberly Martin, Shop Steward Branch 411, San Bernadino, CA.
Hector Perez, Shop Steward Branch 411, San Bernadino, CA.
Michael Blanco, Shop Steward, Branch 411, San Bernadino, CA.
Taryn Stewart, Shop Steward Branch 411, San Bernadino, CA.
David Ward, Shop Steward Branch 411, Sanbernadino, CA.
Christian Abonce, Branch 411, San Bernadino, CA.
Stephanie Blanchard, Branch 411, San Bernadino, CA.
Arlon Bolden, Branch 411, San Bernadino, CA.
Michael Carbajal, Branch 411, San Bernadino, CA.
Bryon Flores, Branch 411, San Bernadino, CA.
Erendida Huizar, Branch 411, San Bernadino, CA.
Erik Riveros, Branch 411, San Bernadino, CA.
Molly Savala, Branch 411, San Bernadino, CA.
Anthony Zamudio, Branch 411, San Bernadino, CA.
David James, President Branch 627, Napa, CA.
Phil Capuano, President Branch 737, Santa Ana, CA.
Mike Towery, President Branch 782, Bakersfield, CA.
Jess Camunez, President Branch 857, Watsonville, CA.
George Torres, President Branch 866, Visalia, CA.
Paul Perry, President Branch 1100, Garden Grove, CA.
James D. Henry, Past Senior Vice President Branch 1100, Past Region 1 RAA, National Vice President, Garden Grove, CA.
Christopher Jackson, Past Vice President Branch 1100, Past Region 1 RAA & NBA, Nat’l Director of City Delivery, Garden Grove, CA.
Charlie Miller, Past President Branch 1100, Garden Grove, CA.
David Jones, Vice President Branch 1100, Garden Grove, CA.
Byron Thomas, Vice President Branch 1100, Garden Grove, CA.
John Wellen, Past Executive Vice President Branch 1100, Garden Grove, CA.
Jeff Lee, Past Vice President & Treasurer, Branch 1100, Garden Grove, CA.
Bonnie Lippincott, Past Secretary-Treasurer, Health Benefits Representative Branch 1100, Garden Grove, CA.
Roma Montiel, Area Shop Steward Branch 1100, Garden Grove, CA.
Fa’alagilagi Meni-Siliga, Shop Steward Branch 1100, Garden Grove, CA.
Theresa Ray, Office Assistant Branch 1100, Garden Grove, CA.
Tiffany Bennett, Shop Steward Branch 1100, Garden Grove, CA.
Consuela Ellison, Branch 1100, Garden Grove, CA.
Chevella Callaway, Branch 1100, Garden Grove, CA.
Lourdes Robledo, Editor, Branch 1100, Garden Grove, CA.
Michael Burney, Branch 1100, Garden Grove, CA.
Jeffrey Winn, Branch 1100, Garden Grove, CA.
Herbretta Mallory, Branch 1100, Garden Grove, CA.
Christina Reyes, Branch 1100, Garden Grove, CA.
Maria Guerra, Branch 1100, Garden Grove, CA.
Ferland Morris, Branch 1100, Garden Grove, CA.
Richard Ruiz, Branch 1100, Garden Grove, CA.
Sharon Whitaker, Branch 1100, Garden Grove, CA.
Edward Fletcher, President Branch 1111, Greater East Bay, Oakland, CA.
Narciso Paderanga, Executive Vice President Branch 1111, Greater East Bay, Oakland, CA.
Mary Phelps, Secretary Branch 1111, Greater East Bay, Oakland, CA.
Jacob Morgan, Insurance Officer Branch 1111, Greater East Bay, Oakland, CA.
Francisco Cabrera, Shop Steward Branch 1111, Greater East Bay, Oakland, CA.
Roy Gigac, Shop Steward Branch 1111, Greater East Bay, Oakland, CA.
Alexander Rejas, Branch 1111, Greater East Bay, CA.
Manuel Mairena, President Branch 1280, Burlingame, CA.
John Collins, President Branch 1291, Modesto, CA.
Brian Voight, Retired Region 1 RAA, Branch 1291, Modesto, CA.
Denise Serna, Financial Secretary Star City Branch 2293, Beverly Hills, CA.
Phil Padick, President Branch 1310, Monterey, CA.
Patty Cramer, Past President Branch 1310 & Past State Sec’y, Monterey, CA.
Robert Madrid, Past President Branch 1427, Santa Clara, CA.
Darcia Gardea, Executive Vice President Branch 1427, Santa Clara, CA.
Renita Freitas, Branch 1427, Santa Clara, CA.
Chris Niemitz, Branch 1427, Santa Clara, CA.
Robert Ortiz, President Branch 1439, Ontario / Rancho Cucamonga, CA.
Harold Kelso, State President, Branch 1439, Ontario / Rancho Cumcamonga, CA.
Joshua Branson, President Branch 1563, Ukiah, CA.
Mike Duvall, Shop Steward Branch 1563, Ukiah, CA.
Gustavo Canchola, President Branch 1726, El Centro, CA.
Debbie Kelly, President Branch 2086, Burbank, CA.
Julie Martinez, Shop Steward Branch 2086, Burbank, CA.
Dennis Binder, President Branch 2168, Upland, CA.
Luke Lopez, Trustee & Alternate Shop Steward Branch 2168, Upland, CA.
Serop Karchikyan, President Branch 2200, Pasadena, CA.
Leroy Collier, CSALC Director of Retirees & Past President Branch 2200, Pasadena, CA.
Keith Lineman, Health Benefits Representative Branch 2200, Pasadena, CA.
Patrick McLaughlin, Branch 2200, Pasadena, CA.
Kim Stagg, President Branch 2207, Torrance, CA.
Steve Kelley, Vice President Branch 2207, Torrance, CA.
Joan Hurst, Retired Secretary, California State Vice President & Region 1 RAA Branch 2207, Torrance, CA.
Jose R. Lopez, Branch 2207, Torrance, CA.
Henry Cordero, President Star City Branch 2293, Beverly Hills, CA.
Denise Serna, Financial Secretary Star City Branch 2293, Beverly Hills, CA.
Jemmayen Macaraeg, President Branch 2462, Heart of the Valley, Van Nuys, CA.
Calvin Brookins, Past President Branch 2462, Past Region 1 RAA, Van Nuys, CA.
Steve Seyfried, Branch 2462 Heart of the Valley, Van Nuys, CA.
Conrad Beck, President Branch 2525, Escondido, CA.
Rene Duarte, President Branch 2605, Calexico, CA.
Gene Massimo, President Branch 2614, Hawthorne, CA.
Rosa Bermejo, President Branch 2704, Brawley, CA.
James Perryman, President Branch 2902, Tri-Valley, CA.
Samuel Sabedra, Shop Steward Branch 2902, Tri-Valley, CA.
Blanca Gutierrez, Branch 2902, Tri-Valley, CA.
Alfonso Gamboa, President Branch 4006, Canoga Park, CA.
Jill Lemons, Past President Branch 4006, Canoga Park, CA.
Charles Bonner, President Branch 4149, Palm Springs, CA.
Daniel Laing, Secretary Branch 4149, Palm Springs, CA.
Delia Botello, Shop Steward, Branch 4149, Palm Springs, CA.
Michael Schindler, President Branch 4430 Antelope Valley, Lancaster/Palmdale, CA.
Joshua Guizarnotegui, Shop Steward Branch 4430, Antelope Valley Lancaster/Palmdale, CA.
Joanie Weber, Branch 4430, Antelope Valley, Lancaster/Palmdale, CA.
Robert Mitchell, President Branch 4494, Carmichael, CA.
David Donovan, President Branch 4941, Santa Fe Springs, CA.
Kevin Matthews, Branch 47, Denver, CO.
Jimbo Peck, Branch 47, Denver, CO.
Tara Voeller, Branch 47, Denver, CO.
Lucinda Wedgewood, Branch 47, Denver, CO.
Jeffrey Hopkins, Branch 204, Colorado Springs, CO.
Michael Daily, OWCP Coordinator Branch 642, Boulder, CO.
Steven Artlip, Shop Steward, Informal/Formal A, OJI Branch 849, Fort Collins, CO.
Larry Garcia, Centennial Branch 5996, Aurora, CO.
Adam Inman, Alternate Shop Steward Branch 5996, Aurora, CO.
Byram Davis, Branch 5996, Aurora, CO.
Keith Carlson, Alternate Shop Steward Branch 20, Connecticut Merged, CT.
Jimmy Acosta, Branch 20, Connecticut Merged, CT.
Brandon Jones, Branch 20, Connecticut Merged, CT.
Ricardo Padilla, Branch 32, Stratford, CT.
Frank Acosta, Branch 86, Hartford, CT.
Michael Derosier, Branch 86, Hartford, CT.
Phillip Peyton, Branch 191, Wilmington, DE.
Alma Hidalgo, Branch 599, Tampa, FL.
Carlos Feliz Feliz, Branch 599, Tampa, FL.
Stephan Walker, President Branch 1071, Miami, FL.
Claude Pierre, Sargeant-At-Arms Branch 1071, Miami, FL.
Rafael Ortiz, Shop Steward Branch 1071, Miami, FL.
Tom Fleming, Shop Steward Branch 1071, Miami, FL.
David Igneri, Branch 1071, Miami, FL.
Marlon Roger, Shop Steward Branch 1071, Miami, FL.
Kenneth R. Gibbs Jr., Retired Region 8 RAA & NBA, Branch 1071, Miami, FL.
Marvin Alvarado, Branch 1071, Miami, FL.
Alvaro Gamboa, Branch 1071, Miami, FL.
Carlos Harrison, Branch 1071, Miami, FL.
James Fulks, Shop Steward Treasure Coast Branch 1690, West Palm Beach, FL.
Kira Munn, Executive Vice President, Branch 1779, Lakeland, FL.
David Edwards, Trustee Branch 2008, Clearwater, FL.
Ray Leigh, Shop Steward Branch 2008, Clearwater, Florida, FL.
Leah Lakin, Alternate Shop Steward Branch 2008, Clearwater, FL.
Scott Garrity, Branch 2008, Clearwater, FL.
Donald Nogiewich, Branch 2008, Clearwater, FL.
Gary Formaro, President Branch 2072, Ft. Myers, FL.
Joshua Leven, Trustee Branch 2072, Ft. Myers, FL.
Dennis Roff, Shop Steward Branch 2072, Ft. Myers, FL.
Nick Harrison, Shop Steward Branch 2072, Fort Myers, FL.
Bryan Harrison, Branch 2072, Ft. Myers, FL.
Kimberly Mullins, Vice President Branch 2148, Sarasota, FL.
Henry Dowling, Branch 2148, Sarasota, FL.
Jerrell Kinloch, President Branch 2550, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Sante Zeppieri, President Space Coast Branch 2689, Melbourne, FL.
Vanessa Kowalski, Space Coast Branch 2689, Melbourne, FL.
Carlane Martineck-Howell, Former Secretary Branch 3367, Panama City, FL.
Matt Naufel, President Branch 4716, Naples, FL.
Ben Jackson, President Branch 73, Atlanta, GA.
Athena Franklin, Branch 263, Augusta, GA.
Don Griggs, Branch 270, Georgia State President, Macon, GA.
Ernie Wilson, President Branch 313, Brunswick, GA.
Cameron Rooks, Branch 588, Athens, GA.
Mary Patterson, Branch 1119, Marietta, GA.
Terae Reid, Branch 1119, Marietta, GA.
Maria Ydil, President Branch 4093, Barrigada, GUAM
Howard Komine, President Branch 860 & COP Co-Chair, Honolulu, HI.
Alvin Matsumura, Branch 860, State President, Honolulu, HI.
Landon Yoshikawa, Executive Vice President / Area Steward Branch 860, Honolulu, HI.
Terry Kaolulo, Recording Secretary Branch 860, Honolulu, HI.
Susan McGinn, Financial Secretary / Chief Steward Branch 860, Honolulu, HI.
Jason Shapiro, Treasurer Branch 860, Honolulu, HI.
Parker Kaaua, Trustee Branch 860, Honolulu, HI.
Clay Tamaki, Trustee / Shop Steward Branch 860, Honolulu, HI.
Sherry Demicilio, Trustee Branch 860, Honolulu, HI.
Francisco Vargas, Sgt-At-Arms Branch 860, Honolulu, HI.
Mark Andreyka, Director of Retirees Branch 860, Honolulu, HI.
Reid Inoue, HBR Branch 860, Honolulu, HI.
Cynthia Ishizaki, Political Liaison Branch 860, Honolulu, HI.
Josh Doehr, Shop Steward Branch 860, Honolulu, HI.
Joey Gumtang, Shop Steward Branch 860, Honolulu, HI.
Kacey Asagi, Shop Steward Branch 860, Honolulu, HI.
Richard Suzuki, Shop Steward Branch 860, Honolulu, HI.
Emilia Reeves, Shop Steward Branch 860, Honolulu, HI.
Heidi Acio, Shop Steward Branch 860, Honolulu, HI.
Jaren Oshiro, Shop Steward Branch 860, Honolulu, HI.
Tiffany Leota, Shop Steward Branch 860, Honolulu, HI.
Ramesse Ming, Shop Steward Branch 860, Honolulu, HI.
Puali Akiyama, Shop Steward Branch 860, Honolulu, HI.
Kevin Burgett, Shop Steward Branch 860, Honolulu, HI.
Donald Morgan III, Shop Steward Branch 860, Honolulu, HI.
Kam Lewis Jr., Shop Steward Branch 860, Honolulu, HI.
Wendell Tomooka, Area Shop Steward Branch 860, Honolulu, HI.
Kristine Fiatoa, President Branch 4682, Pearl City, HI.
Pedro L. Semorile, President Branch 4683, Waipahu, HI.
Glenn Takara, Branch 4837, Mililani, HI.
Christopher Reed, President Branch 5516, Kailua-Kona, HI.
Shanon Tanouye, Vice President Branch 5516, Kailua-Kone, HI.
Ryan Hanato, Past President Branch 5516, Kailua, HI.
Eric Arcilla, Branch 5516, Kailua, HI.
John Simbahon, President Branch 5579, Waianae, HI.
Sara Schawl, President Branch 126, Clinton, IA.
Tina M. Schmerbach, Branch 257, Dubuque, IA.
Calvin Goode, Branch 352, Central Iowa Merged, Des Moines, IA.
Nick Calpaldo, Shop Steward Branch 371, Keokuk, IA.
Michelle Gau, Shop Steward Branch 506, Davenport, IA.
Paula Pearson, Branch 506, Davenport, IA.
Carl Lundstrom, President Branch 644, Muscatine, IA.
Scott Stouffer, Branch 655, Webster City, IA.
Jaimee Nuevo, President Branch 1081, Ames, IA.
Taylor Wallace, Branch 331, Boise, ID.
Caleb Orta, Branch 11, Chicago, IL.
Melissa Jackson, Branch 219, Aurora, IL.
Sarah Tucker, Branch 316, Ottawa, IL.
Jennifer Bennick, Branch 317, Decatur, IL.
Hannah Powers, Northeastern Illinois Branch 825, Oakwood, IL.
Tim Swigert, President Branch 1132, Granite City, IL.
Jacob Stidham, Shop Steward Branch 39, Indianapolis, IN.
Kolin Shoulders, Branch 39, Indianapolis, IN.
Rick McGlothlin, Branch 323, Bridge City / Logansport, IN.
Susan “Amy” Tyvand, Secretary / Shop Steward Branch 323, Bridge City / Logansport, IN.
Rob Weldy, Branch 330, South Bend, IN.
Jeff Mullen, Shop Steward & OWCP Coordinator Branch 377, Evansville, IN.
Kenneth McNeil, Branch 378, Marion, IN.
John E Spann, President Emeritus Branch 580, Northwest Indiana, IN.
Greg Townsend, Branch 2421, Greenwood, IN.
Derek Kraushaar, Shop Steward Branch 10, Topeka, KS.
Donald Martinez, Shop Steward Branch 201, Wichita, KS.
Thomas Ekeler, Shop Steward Branch 201, Wichita, KS.
Austin Bennett, Branch 201, Wichita, KS.
Joshua Buettgenbach, Branch 201, Wichita, KS.
Michael West, Branch 201, Wichita, KS.
Randy Bitter, Treasurer Branch 485, Hutchinson, KS.
John Bredehoeft, Shop Steward Branch 486, Salina, KS.
Lee Cunningham, Trustee & Shop Steward Branch 5521, Shawnee Mission, KS.
Jake Reinhart, Shop Steward Branch 5521, Shawnee Mission, KS.
Wesley Ester-Cudney, Alternate Shop Steward Branch 5521, Shawnee Mission, KS.
Lance Schwede, Vice President Branch 14, Louisville, KY.
Spenser Scopel, Branch 14, Louisville, KY.
Joseph Spencer, Branch 14, Louisville, KY.
Katelin Burgin, Branch 361, Lexington, KY.
Mallory Sutton, Nationwide Podcast “CCA Corner” & Shop Steward Branch 383, Paducah, KY.
Tyler Johnson, President Branch 2156, Murray, KY.
Mason Waters, Executive Vice President Branch 2156, Murray, KY.
James Daquilla, Vice President Branch 2156, Murray, KY.
Neil Eubank, Treasurer Branch 2156, Murray, KY.
Samantha Evans, Trustee Branch 2156, Murray, KY.
Zachary Byrd, Branch 2156, Murray, KY.
Michael H. Alexander, President Branch 124, New Orleans, LA.
Dwayne Robinette, Branch 124, New Orleans, LA.
Troy Scott, President Branch 129 & State President, Baton Rouge, LA.
Donald Jones, Executive Vice President Branch 129, Baton Rouge, LA.
Danny Hatchett, President Branch 197, Shreveport, LA.
A.J. Breaux, President Branch 914, Lake Charles, LA.
Gerald Soileau, President Branch 1760, Lafayette, LA.
Dennis Young, President Branch 2223, Hammond, LA.
Carl Jenkins, President Branch 2730, Gretna, LA.
Sterling Caston, President Branch 4342, Kenner/Norco, LA.
Freddie Warren, President Branch 4323, Marrero, LA.
Charlz Cardwell, Branch 4323, Marrero, LA.
Fabian Wells, Formal Step A & Shop Steward Branch 6119, Metairie, LA.
Emilian Desmond II, Branch 6119, Metairie, LA.
Johnny “JJ” Mosely, President Branch 6377, Covington, LA.
Vaughn Schlegel, Shop Steward Branch 12, Worcester, MA.
Robert Wendorf, Retired Shop Steward Branch 12, Worcester, MA.
Wade Wolczak, Branch 12, Worcester, MA.
Lorrie McDaniel, Shop Steward & Academy Instructor Branch 18, Middleboro, MA.
Carl Boomhower, Branch 18, Middleboro, MA.
Christopher Persampieri, Branch 18, Middleboro, MA.
Mike Pinto, Branch 25, Massachusetts Northeast Merged, MA.
Tom Rooney, Past DRT Representative Branch 34,, Boston, MA.
Dennis Carson, Branch 34, Boston, MA.
Chace King, Branch 34, Boston, MA.
John Payne, Branch 34, Boston, MA.
Brian Haley, Branch 46, Springfield, MA.
Scott Martin, Branch 51, Fall River, MA.
Greg Samoluk, President Branch 334, Framington, MA.
Pattie Chandley, President Branch 539, North Attleboro, MA.
James Capone, President Branch 764, Dedham, MA.
Ivan Hurwitz, Vice President, Oriole Branch 176, Baltimore, MD.
Jerry Kerner Jr., Oriole Branch 176, Baltimore, MD.
Moses Eziokwu, Oriole Branch 176, Baltimore, MD.
Christa OHare, Assistant Shop Steward Oriole Branch 176, MD.
Jeremy Kessel, President Branch 443, Hagerstown, MD.
Paul Kirby, President Branch 638, Cumberland, MD.
Tara Haggerty, Branch 638, Cumberland, MD.
Zachary Keenan, Director of Education Branch 391 Trans-Maine Merged, Bangor, ME.
Catherine A. Guzik, Branch 1, Detroit, MI.
Khalia Johnson, Branch 1, Detroit, MI.
Alison Stankrauff, Branch 1, Detroit, MI.
Steinkoff, John, Branch 1, Detroit, MI.
Mark Warren, Branch 1, Detroit, MI.
Awston Winters, Branch 13, Muskegon, MI.
Sarah Lower-Marlatt, Secretary Branch 56, Grand Rapids, MI.
Jordan Stothers, Branch 56, Grand Rapids, MI.
Jason L. Dunning, President Branch 320, North Oakland County, Ml.
Terry Lockett, Branch 601, Holland, MI.
Jonathan Pavlin, Branch 601, Holland, MI.
Brian Fuson, Southgate Shop Steward Branch 758, Wyandotte, MI.
Walter McGregory, President Southeast Michigan Branch 2184, Ml.
Jacqueline McGregory, Executive Vice President Southeast Michigan Branch 2184, MI.
Darryl Clay, Vice President Southeast Michigan Branch 2184, MI.
Mark Owen, Financial Treasurer Southeast Michigan Branch 2184, MI.
Katrina Jones, Treasurer Southeast Michigan Branch 2184, MI.
Joe Golonka, Past Executive Vice President & Shop Steward & Trustee Southeast Michigan Branch 2184, MI.
David Reise, Trustee Southeast Michigan Branch 2184, MI.
Jillian Hudgins, Southeast Michigan Branch 2184, MI.
Kris Shaw, Past Shop Steward & Formal A Designee Southeast Michigan Branch 2184, MI.
Ananias Epps, Shop Steward Southeast Michigan Branch 2184, MI.
Keith Benedict, Shop Steward Southeast Michigan Branch 2184, MI.
Patrick Kaliah, Shop Steward & Formal A Designee Southeast Michigan Branch 2184, MI.
Tracy Mitchell, Trustee Southeast Michigan Branch 2184, MI.
Scott Watts, Retirement Officer Southeast Michigan Branch 2184, MI.
Felicia Davis, Shop Steward Southeast Michigan Branch 2184, MI.
Bryon Hendricks Shop Steward Southeast Michigan Branch 2184, MI.
Kim Miller, Shop Steward Southeast Michigan Branch 2184, MI.
Yvonne Jackson, Southeast Michigan Branch 2184, MI.
Victor Siemiesz, Southeast Michigan Branch 2184, MI.
Russell Scott, Southeast Michigan Branch 2184, MI.
Phil Ashford, Southeast Michigan Branch 2184, MI.
Lacey Sherrie, Shop Steward, Southeast Michigan Branch 2184, MI.
Bryon Hendricks, Southeast Michigan Branch 2184, MI.
Chris Bernier, Former HBR & Sgt-At-Arms Branch 2317, Midland, MI.
Shelly Bostic, Shop Steward Branch 3126, Royal Oak, MI.
Vincent Booth, Branch 3126, Royal Oak, MI.
Cynthia Harris, Branch 3126, Royal Oak, MI.
Brian Pacak, South Macomb Branch 4374, Center Line, MI.
Jonathan Rainge, South Macomb Branch 4374, Center Line, MI.
Brian Malone, South Macomb Branch 4374, Center Line, MI.
Christianson Garrett, Shop Steward Branch 9, Minneapolis, MN.
Miles Kelly, Branch 9, Minneapolis, MN.
Dane Liebel, Branch 9, Minneapolis, MN.
Chris Oorlog, Branch 9, Minneapolis, MN.
Chad Lemm, President Branch 28, St. Paul, MN.
Christopher Schmidt, Past Shop Steward Branch 28, St. Paul, MN.
Karen Horbul, Branch 28, St. Paul, MN.
Lawrence Harden, Branch 28, Saint Paul, MN.
Matthew Lind, Branch 28, Saint Paul, MN.
Don Mabe, Shop Steward Branch 440, Rochester, MN.
Kaleb Fitting, Branch 440, Rochester, MN.
Tyler Arndt, Branch 679, Crookston, MN.
Rick McDougall, President Branch 1317, Detroit Lakes, MN.
Aaron C. Brown, President Branch 1927, Morris, MN.
Candace Smith, Branch 2942, Hopkins, MN.
Maxwell Olson, Shop Steward Branch 2952, Hopkins, MN.
Quintin Joseph, President Branch 487, Meridian, MS.
Lakeyshan Bryant, State & Branch 1080 President, Greenwood, MS.
Anton Thomas, President Branch 1195, Clarksdale, MS.
Maurice Beckwith, President Branch 1692, Columbus, MS.
William Christ, Branch 30, Kansas City, MO.
Melvin Moore, President Branch 30, Kansas City, MO.
Curtis Walker, Vice President Branch 30, Kansas City, MO.
George Knight, Shop Steward Branch 30, Kansas City, MO.
Kaleb Self, Branch 30, Kansas City, MO.
Zachary Crane, West Central Branch 139, Sedalia, MO.
Shonna Randle, Trustee Branch 343, St. Louis, MO.
Kevin Boyer, President Branch 763, Columbia, MO.
David Tennyson, Chief Steward & Formal A Designee Branch 763, Columbia, MO.
Brad Smith, Branch 763, Columbia, OH.
Denna Hoskins, President Branch 5847, Florissant, MO.
Rebecca Ricci, Treasurer Branch 621 & Montana State Association, Butte, MT.
Alvin Devore, President Branch 701, Missoula, MT.
Travis Miller, Secretary & Shop Steward, Branch 1028, Bozeman, MT.
Ken Hewlett, Treasurer Branch 248, Asheville, N.C.
Natalie Davis, President Branch 382, Durham, N.C.
Jayson Jones, President Branch 459, Raleigh, N.C.
William Ray, Past President Branch 459, Raleigh, N.C.
Darin Nalls, Branch 459, Raleigh, N.C.
Wayne Green, President Branch 461, Winston Salem Merged, N.C.
Marshun Brooks, Branch 545, Charlotte, N.C.
Silvan Sly Stevens, President Branch 545, Charlotte, N.C.
Timothy Rorie, Vice President Branch 545, Charlotte, & State President, N.C.
Anthony Kennedy, President Branch 630, Greensboro, N.C.
Thomas Hunsberger, Past Vice President & Shop Steward Branch 876, Goldboro, N.C.
Stephan Hancock, President Branch 936, Highpoint, N.C.
Caroline Jones, Vice President Branch 936, Highpoint, N.C.
James Russell, President Branch 1250, Hickory, N.C.
Cole Billups, President Branch 2560, Asheboro, N.C.
Nathen Rotert, Trustee Branch 5, Omaha, NE.
Deshon Bradley, Branch 5, Omaha, NE.
Christopher Grunke, Branch 5, Omaha, NE.
Sion Odom, Vice President Branch 8, Lincoln, NE.
Ryan Essink, Recording Secretary Branch 8, Lincoln, NE.
Benjamin Shellhaas, Secretary Branch 8, Lincoln, NE.
Stephanie Stommel, Shop Steward Branch 8, Lincoln, NE.
James Axline, Branch 8, Lincoln, NE.
Oliver Douglas, President Branch 390, Grand Island, NE.
Randy Wallerich, Trustee, Western Nebraska Merged Branch 1836, Scottsbluff, NE.
Jeff Jordan, President Branch 72, Concord, N.H.
Richard Vitagliano, Trustee Branch 2, Concord, N.H.
Edward Cerbone, Shop Steward Branch 38, New Jersey Merged, N.J.
Kenneth Krum, Shop Steward Branch 38, New Jersey Merged, N.J.
Orlondo Finney, Alternate Steward Branch 38, New Jersey Merged, N.J.
Stephanie Lagreca, Shop Steward Branch 370, Atlantic City, N.J.
James Binninger, Branch 425, Bergen County, N.J.
Gary Lange, President Garden State Merged Branch 444, South Amboy, N.J.
David Lysko, Area Representative Garden State Merged Branch 444, South Amboy, N.J.
Karen Dickerson, Treasurer Branch 540, Camden, N.J.
Tyrone Nock Jr,, Shop Steward Branch 540, Camden, N.J.
James Comuso, Assistant Treasurer Branch 908, South Jersey Letter Carriers, Woodbury, N.J.
Allen Muff, Trustee, Formal A Representative, Shop Steward Branch 908, South Jersey Letter Carriers, Woodbury, N.J.
Edward Legenski, Branch 908 South Jersey Letter Carriers, Woodbury, N.J.
Kemal Kansu, Branch 2128, Toms River / Lakehurst, N.J.
Patrick Nash, Branch 5420, Bricktown, N.J.
Stephen McCullough, Shop Steward, Branch 504, Albuquerque, N.M.
Daniel Green, Alternate Shop Steward Branch 504, Albuquerque, N.M.
Matthew Ornelas, Branch 504, Albuquerque, N.M
Albert Torres, Branch 504, Albuquerque, N.M.
Randy Baca, Branch 504, Albuquerque, N.M.
Rowan Riehm, President Branch 709, Reno, NV.
Jeffrey Wells, Secretary-Treasurer & Former Chief Steward Branch 709, Reno, NV.
Clarence McCarthy, Past President Branch 709, Reno, NV.
Jose Carlos Aguilar, Shop Steward Branch 709, Reno, NV.
Anthony Castillo Marquez, Branch 709, Reno, NV.
Bradley Medlock, Branch 709, Reno, NV.
Steven Tran, Branch 709, Reno, NV.
Paul Peterman, President Branch 2502, Las Vegas, NV.
Brian Riggs, Past DRT Rep Branch 2502, Las Vegas, NV.
Robert Seddon, Shop Steward Branch 2502, Las Vegas, NV.
Leslie Hammett, Shop Steward Branch 2502, Las Vegas, NV.
Loretta Brodeur, Past Vice President Branch 2502, Las Vegas, NV.
Lucy James, Past Shop Steward Branch 2502, Las Vegas, NV.
Michael Brasaemle, Shop Steward Branch 2502, Las Vegas, NV.
Alan Gegax, Nationwide Activist “Classes of Mail” Podcast, Branch 2502, Las Vegas, NV.
Vladmir Ortega, Shop Steward Branch 2502, Las Vegas, NV.
Roberto Sanchez, Branch 2502, Las Vegas, NV.
Scott Mahe, President Branch 2778, Sparks, NV.
David Grosskopf, President Branch 3, Buffalo, N.Y.
Mike Levering, Executive Vice President Branch 3, Buffalo, N.Y.
Steven Olender, Shop Steward & LCPF Coordinator Branch 3, Buffalo, N.Y.
Doug Fordyce, Arbitration Advocate Branch 3, Buffalo, N.Y.
Dee (Diane) Spargo, Branch 3, Buffalo, N.Y.
Manual Greer, Branch 3, Buffalo, N.Y.
Jeffry Sayers, Branch 3, Buffalo, N.Y.
Brandon Wagner, Branch 3, Buffalo, N.Y.
John Mooney, Past DRT Rep. Vincent R. Sombrotto Branch 36, New York, N.Y.
Sabino Badillo, Vincent R. Sombrotto Branch 36, New York, N.Y.
Danor Luma, Vincent R. Sombrotto Branch 36, New York, N.Y.
Brian Gutierrez, Shop Steward Vincent R. Sombrotto Branch 36, New York, N.Y.
Cynthia O’Neal, Vincent R. Sombrotto Branch 36, New York, N.Y.
Tayry Vega, Shop Steward Vincent R. Sombrotto Branch 36, New York, N.Y.
John Cruz, President Branch 41, Brooklyn / Staten Island Merged, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Richard “Richie” Ray, Nationwide Podcast Hot House & 2nd Vice President Branch 41, Brooklyn / Staten Island Merged, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Eddie Pinero, Secretary-Treasurer, Branch 41 Brooklyn / Staten Island Merged, Brooklyn, N.Y.
John P. Murphy, Past President Branch 41 Brooklyn / Staten Island Merged, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Thomas Mastrella, Assistant to the President & Director of Retirees Branch 41 Brooklyn / Staten Island Merged, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Christine Mastrella, Shop Steward & OJI Branch 41 Brooklyn / Staten Island, Brooklyn Merged, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Carmelo LaSalle Jr., Trustee & Formal A Representative Branch 41 Brooklyn / Staten Island Merged, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Mena Aziz, Assistant Director Health Benefits, Branch 41 Brooklyn / Staten Island Merged, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Jeremy Nieves, Formal Step A Representative Branch 41 Brooklyn / Staten Island Merged, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Antoine J. Murray, Director of Safety & Health Branch 41 Brooklyn / Staten Island Merged, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Matthew Lenon, Shop Steward Branch 41 Brooklyn / Staten Island Merged, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Darrell Berube, MBA Representative Branch 41 Brooklyn / Staten Island Merged, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Corey Anderson, Shop Steward Branch 41 Brooklyn / Staten Island Merged, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Hector Narvaez, Shop Steward Branch 41 Brooklyn / Staten Island Merged, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Jonathan Rodriguez, Shop Steward Branch 41 Brooklyn / Staten Island Merged, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Sarina Furia, Branch 41 Brooklyn / Staten Island Merged, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Duane Lynch, Branch 41 Brooklyn / Staten Island Merged, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Richard Vitagliano, Branch 72, Peancook, N.Y.
Ron Adams, Retired Region 11 RAA & Regions 6 & 11 RWCA, Branch 134, Syracuse, N.Y.
Kenny Montgomery, President Branch 210, Rochester, N.Y.
Ryan Boehmer, Shop Steward Branch 210, Rochester, N.Y.
Brett Hacket, Shop Steward Branch 210, Rochester, N.Y
Matthew Corsi, Branch 210 Rochester, N.Y.
Matthew Saltzberg, Branch 210, Rochester, N.Y.
Mark LaDue, Branch 210, Rochester, N.Y.
Johnny Gardner, President Branch 300, Corning, N.Y.
Roger Martinkovic, President Ranch 333, Binghampton, N.Y.
Kyle Burrier, Branch 333, Binghampton, N.Y.
Rebecca Szurcyznski, Branch 333, Binghampton, N.Y.
Shannon Olive, Branch 358, Northeastern New York, N.Y.
John Casavant, Branch 693, Westchester / Peekskill Merged, N.Y.
Charles Caputo, Shop Steward Branch 6000, Long Island Merged, N.Y.
Jason Munn, Shop Steward Branch 6000, Long Island Merged, N.Y.
Sean McQuillan, Branch 6000, Long Island Merged, N.Y.
Madeline Nowak, Branch 6000, Long Island Merged, N.Y.
Matt Nicholson, Shop Steward, William C. Doherty Branch 40, Cleveland, OH.
Denny McKown, Shop Steward, William C. Doherty Branch 40, Cleveland, OH.
Nicholas Bailey, William C. Doherty Branch 40, Cleveland, OH.
Robert Cokely, William C. Doherty Branch 40, Cleveland, OH.
Fred Jones, William C. Doherty Branch 40, Cleveland, OH.
Richard Knight, William C. Dorherty Branch 40, Cleveland, OH.
Rob Stiffler, William C. Doherty Branch 40, Cleveland, OH.
Karen Schweyer, Shop Steward Branch 40, Cleveland, OH.
Jason Wolfe, Former Shop Steward, William C. Doherty Branch 40, Cleveland, OH.
Joe Morris, Branch 43, Cincinnati, OH.
Thornton Linquist, Formal Step A Representative Branch 78, Columbus, OH.
Thomas Hakey, Alternate Shop Steward, Branch 78, Columbus, OH.
Linda Sharpe, Branch 100, Toledo, OH.
Derick Haynes, Trustee Branch 182, Dayton, OH.
Gary Weekes, Branch 182, Dayton, OH.
Norman Van Ness Jr., Treasurer Branch 279, Fostoria, OH.
Brandon Bieber, Branch 281, Newark, OH.
Christophor Angeloff, Shop Steward & Formal Step A & EEO Representative Branch 385, Youngstown, OH.
Bill Braun, Shop Steward & Health Benefit Representative Branch 385, Youngstown, OH.
Justin Miller, Branch 385, Youngstown, OH.
Larry “Jake” Dolby, Treasurer Branch 426, Hamilton, OH.
Jamie Lukens, President Branch 897 “Magic City”, Barberton, OH.
Zack Pierce, Branch 897, “Magic City”, Barberton, OH.
Clinton (Shane) Sartin, Branch 1358, Tulsa, OK.
Tina Fisher, Shop Steward Branch 82, Portland, OR.
Adel Bghiel, Branch 82, Portland, OR.
Ty Chiaretta, Branch 82, Portland, OR.
Nick Grod, Branch 82, Portland, OR.
Matthew Tabacchi, Branch 82, Portland, OR.
Michael Smith, Shop Steward Branch 916, Eugene, OR.
Dave Johnson, Shop Steward Branch 916, Eugene, OR.
Jason Ward, Branch 959, Albany, OR.
Beau Gair, Vice President Branch 50, Williamsport, PA.
William Evelhair, Branch 50, Williamsport, PA.
Ted Lee, President Branch 84, Pittsburg, PA.
Brian Boerner, Shop Steward Branch 84, Pittsburg, PA.
Marc J Marcini, Branch 84, Pittsburg, PA.
Shane Miller, Branch 84, Pittsburg, PA.
George Reffert, Branch 84, Pittsburg, PA.
Chris Baker, Branch 84, Pittsburg, PA.
Christopher Lanetti, Branch 157, Philadelphia, PA.
Joseph Prendergast, Branch 157, Philadelphia, PA.
William Kriebel, President Branch 254, Bethlehem, PA.
Steve Soto, Vice President Branch 254, Bethlehem, PA.
Suzanne Perry, Secretary Branch 254, Behlehem, PA.
Lisa Earich, Treasurer Branch 254, Bethlehem, PA.
Farid Ahmad, Trustee Branch 254 Bethlehem, PA.
Ray Seguine, Trustee Branch 254, Bethlehem, PA.
William Brannick, Shop Steward Branch 254, Bethlehem, PA.
Douglas Rice, Shop Steward Branch 254, Bethlehem, PA.
Robert Ehret, Legislative Liaison Branch 254, Bethlehem, PA.
Ronald Cameli, Social Director Branch 254, Bethlehem, PA.
Tom Cser, President Branch 274, Lehigh Valley, PA.
Joseph Basmagy, Shop Steward Branch 274, Lehigh Valley, PA.
Brian VanName, Alternate Shop Steward Branch 274, Lehigh Valley, PA.
Ron Speakman, Nationwide Activist “FedUp” Podcast, Branch 274, Lehigh Valley, PA.
Edward Tenon, Treasurer Branch 284, Erie, PA.
Timothy Getz, Shop Steward Branch 284, Erie, PA.
Pete Snyder, Shop Steward Branch 284, Erie, PA.
Brian Chaplain, Shop Steward Branch 284, Erie, PA.
Zackariah Bonsall, Branch 500, Harrisburg, PA.
Anthony Stasheski, Branch 500, Harrisburg, PA.
Charles Casciano, Shop Steward Branch 509, York, PA.
Rodney McKinney, Branch 520, Uniontown, PA.
Kate Hewes, Vice President Branch 542, Norristown, PA.
Stephen Zavoski, Southeast Pennsylvania Merged Branch 725, Milmont Park, PA.
Fran Ficco, Southeast Pennsylvania Merged Branch 725, Milmont Park, PA.
Brian Doyle, Branch 920, Souderton, PA.
Kevin Sommers, President Branch 1495, State College, PA.
John Morlando, Secretary & Chief Shop Steward, Branch 4973, Levittown, PA.
Matthew Goral, Branch 4973, Levittown, PA.
Chad Sadley, President Branch 1500, Saint Marys, PA.
Roberto Santini Sierra, President Branch 826, Ponce, P.R.
Luis Berrocales, Alternate Shop Steward Branch 826, P.R.
Ricardo Colon, Branch 826, Ponce, P.R.
Julio Santiago, President Branch 869, San Juan, P.R.
Margaret Hall, Vice President Branch 869, San Juan, P.R.
Carlos Berrios, Financial Secretary Branch 869, San Juan, P.R.
Carlos Burgos, Trustee Branch 869, San Juan, P.R.
Julio Acosta, Sgt-At-Arms & Shop Steward Branch 869, San Juan, P.R.
Christopher Cotto Sanchez, Chief Shop Steward Branch 869, San Juan, P.R.
Kenneth Arriaga, Alternate Shop Steward Branch 869, San Juan, P.R.
Mario De Jesus, Shop Steward Branch 869, San Juan, P.R.
Serafin Chaparro, Branch 869, San Juan, P.R.
Gilbert Joel Cruzado, Branch 869, San Juan, P.R.
Christopher Fernandez, Branch 869, San Juan, P.R.
Michael Rivera, Branch 869, San Juan, P.R.
Daniel Roca, Branch 869, San Juan, P.R.
Juan Sanchez, Branch 869, San Juan, P.R.
Dustin Postma, Branch 15, Providence, R.I.
Sean Atkins, Branch 55, Pawtucket, R.I.
Scott Rezendes, Branch 3166, Warwick, R.I.
Gabraiel Hamm, President Branch 233, Columbia, S.C.
Nicholas Prietti, Branch 439, Greenville, S.C.
Edmund Garrard Jr. Health Benefit Representative Branch 439, Greenville, S.C.
Yomira Bonilla, Branch 439, Greenville, S.C.
Janet Brown, Treasurer Branch 1871, Anderson, S.C.
Michael L. Hamilton, President Branch 3902, Charleston, S.C.
David Dicker, Shop Steward Branch 3902, Charleston, S.C.
Juanze White, Branch 3902, Charleston, S.C.
Danna Chambless, President Music City Branch 4, Nashville, TN.
Jason “JB” Leath, Vice President Music City Branch 4, Nashville, TN.
Corey Walton, Nationwide Activist “From A to Arbitration” Podcast & Secretary Music City Branch 4, Nashville, TN.
Angie Hartley, Financial Secretary Music City Branch 4, Nashville, TN.
Jamie Fox, Music City Branch 4, Nashville, TN.
Michael Lyles, Music City Branch 4, Nashville, TN.
Ronald Whitaker, Music City Branch 4, Nashville, TN.
Christopher Maheu, Music City Branch 4, Nashville, TN.
Bradley Smith, Branch 4, Music City Nashville, TN.
Robert Carson, Branch 4, Music City Nashville, TN.
Debra Bryant, Branch 4, Music City Nashville, TN.
Kiel Landers, Branch 4, Music City Nashville, TN.
John Walker, President Branch 27, Memphis, TN.
Sara Andrews, Branch 27, Memphis, TN.
Jammie Thomas, Branch 27, Memphis, TN.
Tammia Sneed, President Branch 62, Chattanooga, TN.
John Murphy, Shop Steward Branch 62, Chattanooga, TN.
Matthew Dover, Branch 62, Chattanooga, TN.
John Collins II, President Smokey Mountain Branch 419, Knoxville, TN.
Joshua Gillespie, Shop Steward Smokey Mountain Branch 419, Knoxville, TN.
James Peppers, Shop Steward & Trustee Smokey Mountain Branch 419, Knoxville, TN.
Chad Harding, Trustee Smokey Mountain Branch 419, Knoxville, TN.
Mario Rivas, Smokey Mountain Branch 419, Knoxville, TN.
Jessica Robinson, Branch 419, Knoxville, TN.
Kelly Buckles, President Branch 1110, Johnson City, TN.
Matt Krautkremer, Branch 1110, Johnson City, TN.
Daniel Everett, President Branch 1999, Kingsport, TN.
Kimetra Simpson-Lewis, President Lone Star Branch 132, Dallas, TX.
Twasky Smith Sr., Vice President Lone Star Branch 132, Dallas, TX.
Jimmy W. Webb Jr., Lone Star Branch 132, Dallas, TX.
Bradley Driskill, Branch 181, Austin, TX.
Michael Spangle, Branch 181, Austin, TX.
David Valles, Branch 181, Austin, TX.
Jon “Badmouth” Morris, Nationwide Podcast “CCA Corner”, Branch 226, Fort Worth, TX.
Misael Guzman, Shop Steward Space City Branch 283, Houston, TX.
Natasha Osborne, Shop Steward Space City Branch 283, Houston, TX.
Don Guidry, Space City Branch 283, Houston, TX.
Prince West, Shop Steward Space City Branch 283, Houston, TX.
Everett Wylie, Texas State Vice President Branch 404, Waco, TX.
Homer Hernandez, President Branch 421, San Antonio, TX.
Estaban Ramirez, Vice President Branch 421, San Antonio, TX.
Christopher Blevino, Alamo Shop Steward Branch 421, San Antonio, TX.
Sergio Dovalina, Branch 421 San Antonio, TX.
Michael Purifoy, President Branch 569, Texarkana, TX.
Sanjera Johnson, Past President Branch 569, Texarkana, TX.
Alexandra Townley, Vice President Branch 569, Texarkana, TX
Ronald Richards-Martel, Vice President 1 Branch 569, Texarkana, TX.
James Rutledge, Secretary Branch 569, Texarkana, TX.
Ethel Bibbs, President Branch 842, Spindle Top Beaumont, TX.
Paul Hambrick, Executive Vice President & Shop Steward Branch 1037, Amarillo, TX.
Jack Rutledge, Branch 1227, Wichita Falls, TX.
Kenneth Grigsby, Padre Island Branch 1259, Corpus Christi, TX.
Carlos Rodriguez, Texas State Pres & Br 1456 Pres, Brownsville, TX.
Shayla Hill, Trustee Branch 2309, Arlington, TX.
Kevin Perry, President Branch 2589, Lubbock Merged, TX.
Chris Ziegler, Secretary Branch 3094, Pampa, TX.
Christian Vargas, President North Texas Branch 4065, Garland, TX.
Sheketha Frantz, Executive Vice President North Texes Branch 4065, Garland, TX.
Scott Dickson, Shop Steward Branch 68, Ogden, UT.
Phillip Rodriquez, Utah State President, Branch 111, Salt Lake City, UT.
Kimberly Mortensen, Utah State Secretary & Chief Shop Steward Downtown Branch 111, Salt Lake City, UT.
Donovan Mamo, Shop Steward Branch 111, Salt Lake City, UT.
Quincy Mason, Shop Steward Branch 111, Salt Lake City, UT.
Jennifer Ogden, Shop Steward Branch 111, Salt Lake City, UT.
Adreean Capulet, Alternate Shop Steward, Branch 111, Salt Lake City, UT.
Grace Lamoreaux, Alternate Shop Steward Branch 111, Salt Lake City, UT.
Chris Wayne Jolley, Vice President Branch 970, Logan, UT.
Clipton Chacon, Alternate Shop Steward Branch 970, Logan, UT.
Vera Joyce Thomas-Pinney, President Branch 6412, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands
Lawson Pinney, Treasurer Branch 6412, St.Thomas, Virgin Islands
Tasia Laviscount, Branch 6412, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands
Lisa Wiebking, Branch 325, Concord, VA.
Chris Chapman, President Branch 456, Norfolk, VA.
Peninnah Alleyne, Vice President Branch 456, Norfolk, VA.
Ashley Crenshaw, Branch 456, Norfolk, VA.
Nicholas Gilmour, Branch 496 Richmond, VA.
Keith Hooks, President Branch 142, Washington D.C.
Dennis Wright, Shop Steward Branch 142, Washington D.C.
Mike Carroll, Shop Steward Branch 79, Seattle, WA.
Marcua Brown, Shop Steward Branch 130, Tacoma, WA.
Scott Thorland, Editor and Alternate Shop Steward Branch 442, Spokane, WA.
Heidi Anderson, Vice President & Shop Steward Branch 450, Mount Vernon, WA.
Tiffany Daily, Branch 1104, Vancouver, WA.
Elijah Groshell, Shop Steward Branch 1414, Kipsap Peninsula, WA.
Rob Kosier, President Branch 2, Milwaukee, WI.
Gabby Kosier, MDA Representative, Branch 2, Milwaukee, WI.
Al Jelinek, President Emeritus Branch 2, Milwaukee, WI.
Albert Travis, Vice President & State Treasurer Branch 2, Milwaukee, WI.
Deiante Washington, Trustee Branch 2, Milwaukee, WI.
Darius Holmes, Shop Steward Branch 2, Milwaukee, WI.
Anthony Johnson, Shop Steward Branch 2, Milwaukee, WI.
Shantell Matthews, Shop Steward Branch 2, Milwaukee, WI.
George Orlando, Shop Steward Branch 2, Milwaukee, WI.
Henry Ortiz, Shop Steward Branch 2, Milwaukee, WI.
Chad Recklies, Shop Steward Branch 2, Milwaukee, WI.
Nathaniel Hudson, Safety Representative Branch 2, Milwaukee, WI.
Jose Mercado, Branch 2, Milwaukee, WI.
Rafael Nazario, Branch 2, Milwaukee, WI.
Michael Patterson, Branch 2, Milwaukee, WI.
Sourlyasith Rajaphoumi, Branch 2, Milwaukee, WI.
Nathan Sies, Branch 2, Milwaukee, WI.
Joe Salzer, Branch 2, Milwaukee, WI.
David Vraney, Branch 2, Milwaukee, WI.
Lang Vu, Branch 2, Milwaukee, WI.
Eldon Vaselaar, Branch 2, Milwaukee, WI.
Lakish Weatherall, Branch 2, Milwaukee, WI.
Aaron Dinkelman, Branch 397, Waukesha, WI.
Patrionna Patterson, Branch 436, Racine, WI.
Vincent Vitale, Vice President Branch 715, Beloit, WI.
Bill O’Conner, Shop Steward & Editor, Branch 728, Eau Claire, WI.
Jonathan Ellis, Trustee Branch 359, Huntington, W.V.
Tyler Smith, Newsletter Editor & Informal A Representative Branch 531, South Charleston, W.V.
Danny Cooper, Secretary-Treasurer Branch 2420, Oak Hill, W.V.
Tonja Koch, Shop Steward & Formal A Designee Branch 463, Laramie, WY.
Lance Lawson, Branch 1006, Sheridan, WY.
James D. Henry, NALC Vice President, Branch 1100, Garden Grove, CA.
Christopher Jackson, NALC Director of City Delivery, Branch 1100 Garden Grove, CA.
Pete Moss, Retired Region 8 NBA, RAA, Mississippi State President, Past President of Gulf Coast MS. Branch 1374 & Branch 892 Florence AL.
Kenneth R. Gibbs, Jr., Retired Region 9 National Business Agent, Branch 1071, Miami, FL.
Ron Adams, Retired Region 11 RAA & Regions 6 & 11 RWCA, Branch 134, Syracuse, N.Y.
Calvin Brookins, Retired Region 1 RAA, Branch 2462, Van Nuys, CA.
Joan Hurst, Retired Secretary, California State Vice President, Region 1 RAA Branch 2207, Torrance, CA.
Brian Voigt, Retired Region 1 RAA, Branch 1291, Modesto, CA.
Corey Walton, Nationwide Activist “A to Arbitration” Podcast, Branch 4, Nashville, TN.
Ron Speakman, Nationwide Activist “FedUp” Podcast, Branch 274, Lehigh Valley, PA.
Richard “Richie” Ray Nationwide Activist “Hot House” Podcast , Branch 41, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Mallory Sutton, Nationwide Activist “CCA Corner” Podcast & Shop Steward Branch 383, Paducah, KY.
Jon “Badmouth” Morris Nationwide Activist “CCA Corner, Branch 226, Fort Worth, TX.
Alan Gegax, Nationwide Activist “Classes of Mail” Podcast, Branch 2502, Las Vegas, NV.
Anita Guzik, National AFL-CIO Delegate & Fulltime Officer Angel City Branch 24, Los Angeles. CA.
The Marine Corps defines Leadership as, "The sum of those qualities of intellect, human understanding, and moral character that allows a person to inspire a group of Marines". Those who know me will tell you that the leadership principles acquired in the Marine Corps have been the guiding principles I have applied throughout my 36 years as a Union advocate and leader. I have trained and practiced being technically, tactically proficient and seek self-improvement on an ongoing basis. I'm committed to looking out for the welfare of Letter Carriers and keeping them informed. Foremost I am committed to setting an example as Letter Carriers instinctively look to their President as a barometer of the Union's standing. There is a lot of work to do to repair the damage done to the NALC's reputation, and mend damaged relationships caused by the fallout from the current administration's leadership failure. As a Letter Carrier I know what it is like to sit out on unjust charges. As a Steward I recognize the challenges and frustration of a broken dispute resolution process. As a Full-time Officer from a large diverse Branch, I understand the daily battles for defending City Letter Carriers. I know these things because I still have a well-worn set of blues in the closet at home...l will not forget where I came from.
James D. Henry - NALC Vice President, A Concerned Letter Carrier